Episode 82

My New Year Wish for You All

This shortie is a prayer for anyone who happens upon it. That when you think of the new year ahead you come from a place of self-love, not the self-judgement that resolutions offer.

No matter what you might want to see be different, leave the mean girl thoughts out of planning it.

A "new you for the new year" has a certain ring to it but you don't need to new yourself. You have talents and strength and skills that will get you anywhere you want to go.

What you might need is expert advice and support. You might need new tools, information, and a system.

And it's the system that's most important when it comes to growing or reaching goals. I mentioned James Clear, author of Atomic Habits as a great tool if you want the most successful strategies probably on the planet working with you.

Another option is a coach or mentor.

Accountability is key to making lasting change in any area of life.

I'd be honored to go with you on the next leg of your journey. If you've never checked out my coaching options, they are here. What you won't see if a coaching package because all of my one on one coaching options are designed for the client.

I included some tips I've learned over the years of designing a new year. Things that will help you cull what's unnecessary and weighty.

One main thing that's easy to forget to employ? Your intuition, inner being, inner wisdom, call it what you will.

We have a wealth of knowing inside and we must get quiet and invite it to give us guidance, nudges, signs.

Whatever you dream of for 2023, dream big.

Don't settle.

Love yourself into a delicious new year with as many adventures as you can, squeeze into the time that's left after you give all the time that you give to others.

Women, we matter and we have so much to give the world, and I don't care whether you're 45, 65, or 85. There's always more that we get to be and more that we can give the world.

Best to you all.

Happy New Year.

About the Podcast

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Rebellious Wellness Over 50
Helping women over 50 age better

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About your host

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Gregory Anne Cox

Why this chubby, bologna and mayonnaise sandwich eating child of the 50's ever ended up with a passion for all things health, fitness, and longevity is a mystery. I wanted to be a doctor as a child but my gifts were not in lab sciences but words and making science easy to understand. (I'm a science and research geek)
My soul insists on freedom and that drives the work I do with women. Freedom from disease, limitation, self-doubt--whatever form it takes--informs what I create and how I coach.