Episode 48

Aging and Metabolism — Does it Slow Down, or Do We?

This Shortie was born of getting any answer to “does our metabolism slow down after 40 and if so why?”

The answer is yes. 

#Bummer but also, you might be saying "I knew these extra pounds weren't all my fault."

Small comfort, but once you know why it happens, you can prepare yourself or reverse a trend if you are already experiencing the weight gain that comes with the menopause transition years.

Are we programmed to hold onto more fat after menopause, or do we eat more and move less, which is what the conventional Western medical model would have you believe? Guess what? Although that is a possibility, it is certainly not true for all women.

And it ignores the big role played by our hormones. Especially estrogen. Less estrogen, less bone, brain, heart, and gut health.

The body makes it easier to store fat because adipose tissue--fat--produces estrone, and it is the backup form of estrogen for post-menopausal women.

Bioidentical hormone replacement is a safe way to relieve symptoms and maintain some of our youthful energy.

Stress, sleep, less of some hormones and not enough of others means it's easier than ever to gain weight. But all is not lost and it might not be a bad thing. (More to come in another Shortie)

There is one diet/eating plan that works in study after study: Paleo.

For exercise, weight bearing and low-impact forms are best. But do what you can to preserve muscle. Not only because muscle burns more calories than fat but because muscles help us stay mobile as we age. They also help prevent falls.

Things I mentioned:

My site, to sign up for news and deeper dives

Waist to Hip Ratio

Mark Sisson Mark's Daily Apple

If you're experiencing unexplained weight gain or any other symptoms of the menopause transition and you are ready to have someone to guide you through all the ups and downs and help you create a plan to age better, let's talk. Send me an email. Gregory@rebelliouswellnessover50.com or go to the website and check out these services page and see how I work with people. 

It might be just what you need to help you take back control of that ever-changing body.

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Rebellious Wellness Over 50
Helping women over 50 age better

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About your host

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Gregory Anne Cox

Why this chubby, bologna and mayonnaise sandwich eating child of the 50's ever ended up with a passion for all things health, fitness, and longevity is a mystery. I wanted to be a doctor as a child but my gifts were not in lab sciences but words and making science easy to understand. (I'm a science and research geek)
My soul insists on freedom and that drives the work I do with women. Freedom from disease, limitation, self-doubt--whatever form it takes--informs what I create and how I coach.