Episode 49

Move Better to Feel Better

Over 20 years ago, Sue Choi left her desk job to immerse herself full-time to understand meditation, movement, and body. Her journey to resolve chronic depression and autoimmunity without medication, led her to develop an approach that can save you years of frustration, but more importantly, enrich your daily life.

Sue has spent thousands of hours learning and training in a broad variety of modalities to give her the tools she needed to heal herself and now, us.

Her hands-on work is informed by trainings in craniosacral, visceral manipulation, manual osteopathic traditions, and proprioceptive touch. Her movement work is inspired by trainings in Emilie Conrad's Continuum Movement, Svetlana Masgutova's Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration™, dance medicine with Marika Molnar of Westside Dance PT (NYC), yoga therapy, and pilates. Studies in perceptual systems include trainings in the Tomatis™ Method, Bates Method and visual perception. I’m also a certified expert in Stanford researcher BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits® method.

This convo went in directions I did not expect but found intriguing. What if pain relief could be round by discovering,

What you pay attention to and how you do it make the difference.

The importance of answering this question: "How do thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations interact?"


What is the difference between them?
What can I do to change my patterns?

Sue teaches her clients to

"Speak your body's language in order to heal it.

Gravity, Light, Sound, These are phenomena your body understands."

In my 20 years' experience working with clients, I've seen how trauma lives in dysfunctional movement patterns and chronic resistance.

When you become versed in the way the body speaks, you build wisdom for a lifetime.

Sue's work is unique enough--and supported by lots of testimonials from clients--that I am going to join her class and community to see what comes up as I learn to resolve some earlier life events that might contribute to a crooked spine.

I'll keep you posted on what I experience.


About the Podcast

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Rebellious Wellness Over 50
Helping women over 50 age better

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About your host

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Gregory Anne Cox

Why this chubby, bologna and mayonnaise sandwich eating child of the 50's ever ended up with a passion for all things health, fitness, and longevity is a mystery. I wanted to be a doctor as a child but my gifts were not in lab sciences but words and making science easy to understand. (I'm a science and research geek)
My soul insists on freedom and that drives the work I do with women. Freedom from disease, limitation, self-doubt--whatever form it takes--informs what I create and how I coach.