
Bones are Our Foundation

Every woman worries about becoming old and frail, has shuddered to think they might experience that fall that changes everything when we break a hip.

The way conventional wisdom says we should measure bone density is with a Dexa scan. And yes we should all get them at 50 for a baseline. But there's a new test in town and my guest Irma Jennings is going to tell you what it is and what it does.

Should you panic if the scan results determine "you've got osteopenia"?

What else contributes to bone health? Irma and I talk food, community, tooth and gum health, and lots of what Irma teaches her clients and those in her bone health community.

Here's Irma's website: https://www.food4healthybones.com

About the Podcast

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Rebellious Wellness Over 50
Helping women over 50 age better

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About your host

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Gregory Anne Cox

Why this chubby, bologna and mayonnaise sandwich eating child of the 50's ever ended up with a passion for all things health, fitness, and longevity is a mystery. I wanted to be a doctor as a child but my gifts were not in lab sciences but words and making science easy to understand. (I'm a science and research geek)
My soul insists on freedom and that drives the work I do with women. Freedom from disease, limitation, self-doubt--whatever form it takes--informs what I create and how I coach.